
Witches Tarot- Coming Fall 2012

6:02 AM


Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan
For two years I have had to keep my "secret project" ... well, a secret. But I was just given clearance to post the cover image, and to announce the newest book- so here we go. The Witches Tarot, will be a boxed deck and book. It is being published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

I am finishing up the book now and the artwork is almost complete. The artist's name is Mark Evans and the art is magickal, vibrant and gorgeous. I am really happy to finally be able to share this news with my fans. I will not be posting any of the card art for a while... but the cover image is actually "The Moon" card from the deck- with a cool border all around it. The release date is set for Fall 2012. As I get more information, and am cleared to post a card or two... I will be sure to let everyone know.

Tomorrow my first class in my new Practical Magick Series. I am really looking forward to the classes and meeting the students. Here is the information on tomorrows class- if you live in the St. Louis area and would like to attend.
Class Dates: Sundays- February 19, February 26, March 4 & March 11
Time:  2:00pm
Class fee:
$30.00 each- or attend all four classes for $100.00 and save! (Payment for all four classes in the series is due in full at the time of the first class.) Cash or Check only.

Wellness Center (Chapel of Love & Light)
1600 Boone's Lick Road
St. Charles, MO. 63301
Ages 18 and up are welcome.
Need more info? For more information, directions to the Wellness Center, or to pre-register for classes, please contact Ellen via email at edugan_gardenwitch@yahoo.com

Candle and Crystal Magick: Going from Basic to Advanced-
This first class will be held on Sunday, February 19.
Candle and crystal spells are the stock in trade of most Witches and magickal practitioners. The trick is how do you take the basics and turn them into more advanced practices? In this first class of the four part practical magick series, award winning author Ellen Dugan, shows you how to advance your Craft. This class focuses on candle and crystal magick, and shows you how to think outside the box and how to personalize your spells. The law of correspondence, and vibration will be discussed, as well as a look at how lunar timing, and the magickal days of the week can work in your favor. There will also be information on troubleshooting your spell-work. This 2 hour class will end with group candle and crystal spell-work.
The following classes in the series are:
Green Magick & Herbalism 2/26/2012
Practical Prosperity & Abundance Magick 3/4/2012
Practical Protection Magick 3/11/2012

For more information plus detailed class descriptions- at www.ellendugan.com go to the "Tours" tab at the top of the page. or look at the previous blog about the classes. 

Practical Protection Magick in French!
Now I have to go print up my handouts and lecture notes for class tomorrow! Wishing you all a great weekend. Hope you are as excited about the new project as much as I am!
Blessed be, Ellen

PS. I just received the French version of Practical Protection Magick.  It was translated by ADA Editions (Canada) the website is www.ada-inc.com Here is the French version- Loving the cover!

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  1. Will Llewellyn be distributing the deck?

  2. Oooh... if that is any indicator it will be a gorgeous deck. Can't wait to see more. :)

  3. It looks like a wonderful new project..I only recently discovered your blog through putting one of your books on my Amazon wish list!If only we had access to your classes in the UK!Hope that the classes go well..
    Warm Wishes,
    Callie x

  4. Love the cover art to your new book! Looking forward to the release date...:D

  5. Your tarot images are great. Where can I get similar ones for my own blog? I am working on my psychic readings too.


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