
Happy Full Storm Moon

7:52 AM

Good Morning,

As the moon waxes towards full, I have begun the "clean out the gardens" process here at home. With a mild winter and a spring determined to come early this year... it's time. My tulip and daffodil foliage is about 4 inches tall and my perennials are starting to show new growth. Definitely time to clean up, cut back, and rake out the fallen leaves.
I leave the perennial foliage and seed heads of my plants stand all winter long. It is much more attractive than a razed-to-the-ground garden in the winter, and this provides cover for the animals and snacks for the birds during the winter.... But the clean up and rake out job in the spring is huge.

I got an hour in and filled up 2 huge yard waste containers, and 2 more of those tall yard waste compost-able bags on Monday. Yesterday I hit the garden again and busted ass out there for 3 hours. Filled up 6 of those tall paper yard waste bags... and I only cleaned out three big flower beds.

I still have about 6 more flower beds to go... Two of those beds are huge. The Secret Formal Garden at the bottom of the yard is massive and the rest of the flower beds that wrap all the way around the house are good sized. But I will keep working my way around our yard until I get them all ready for spring.

With the esbat coming tomorrow I wanted to share a pretty March/ Storm Full Moon spell with you. Light a small white candle and turn and face the moon. Visualize all of the positive things and new beginnings the spring will bring. Then repeat the spell verse.

Beaneath the light of March's storm moon so bright,
I am thankful for many blessings tonight.
Spring is coming, the time of balance and growth begins,
Four elements bless me now, earth, fire, water and wind.
I celebrate the bounty of the good green earth,
Lord and Lady bless me, granting health, peace and mirth. *
* Copyrighted Spell- by Ellen Dugan

When the spell is finished, allow your candle to burn out in a safe place.
Happy Esbat! 
Blessed be, Ellen
PS. In honor of the Full Moon- Check out my Charm Bracelet Giveaway!
Starting today- order any of my online classes before midnight Saturday, March 10th and you will be entered in a drawing to win a "Bracelet of Witchery" for your very own.
The Bracelet of Witchery

The winner of the drawing will be announced on Sunday, March 11th 2012.
You can sign up for my affordable online classes on my website. Just click on the "Online Classes" tab at the top of the page. Good Luck!

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  1. Love this full moon spell.thank you and blessed be.

  2. What a lovely post today! I always look forward to reading your posts, but I especially enjoy all things gardening :)
    Many blessings to you Ellen!

  3. Thank You for such a lovely spell to do...
    Warm Wishes,
    Callie x

  4. Wishing you clear skies for the Esbat!

  5. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful spell. I'm off to check out your classes. I probably will not be able to join before the deadline, but I'm definitely bookmarking!

  6. Beautiful! Ellen I know you are no stranger to awards, but I have chosen to pass the versatile blogger award to you. I love your blog, and of course your books :) You can view my post and copy the award for your own post if you are interested. BB!


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