
A new class on the Witches Tarot and Fall Tour Dates!

9:00 PM

On Sunday, September 9th, I start a new set of classes on my Witches Tarot. This is going to be a fun couple of classes and I am looking forward to teaching the students more about the magick of tarot and of my deck.

Witches Tarot Class
Dates- Sunday- September 9th and 16th

Time: 2:00 to 4:30 pm.
Place: Wellness Center (Chapel of Love & Light)
1600 Boone's Lick Road
St. Charles, MO. 63301
Ages 18 and up are welcome.
Class fee $30.00 per class- or $55.00 for both. (Pay for both classes at once and save)
Supplies Needed: Bring your copy of the Witches Tarot deck to class- You will be putting it to use!
Need more info? For more information, directions to the Wellness Center, or to pre-register for classes, please contact Ellen via email at ellenthegardenwitch@gmail.com

The Major Arcana and the Spreads. Class date - September 9, 2012
In this first class of the two part series, author Ellen Dugan explains the symbolism and magick behind the Major Arcana of her new deck, Witches Tarot. Learn about the archetypes and magick behind the symbolism, as well as discovering more information about the new card spreads that she created specifically for this deck. The Major Arcana offers you a road map to the mysteries of the Craft and to your spiritual life. All you have to do is be willing to open your eyes, embrace the offered wisdom, and start your travels. If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of the magick and mystery of this Tarot deck, please join us. (Remember to bring your Witches Tarot deck and book with you to class!)

The Minor Arcana and Magick with the Deck! Class Date- September 16, 2012
In the second class author, Ellen Dugan delves into the mystery and meaning of the Minor Arcana (the Pip and Court cards) of her new deck, Witches Tarot. In this class you will be introduced to the elemental themes that run throughout the four suits and the symbolism and magick within these cards. the Minor Arcana- both Pip and Court cards- show us the everyday, ordinary situations and personalities that we deal with and face in our lives. The minor arcana cards bring meaning to events, clarity to the challenges we face, and provide illumination to the common questions we ask. This class also features tips and trick for working magick with your Witches Tarot deck. We look forward to seeing you there! (Remember to bring your Witches Tarot deck and book with you to class!)

In other news I have a few more author events for this fall and here they are. Two are in the St. Louis area. Then we have the official launch party for the deck at the Eye of Horus- in Minneapolis.

Finally I will finish out the year with a three day long author event at "The Witchery Store" in Galveston Island, Texas.

Author Event:
Book Signing for Witches Tarot & Seasons of Witchery
with a FREE Lecture!

Date: Saturday, September 22nd 2012
Time of Free Lecture: 1:30pm
Lecture Topic: "The Magick of the Witches Tarot"
Time of Book Signing: 2:00 to 4:00pm
Place: Main Street Books
621 South Main
St. Charles, Missouri 63301

Join award winning author, Ellen Dugan on the Sabbat of the Autumn Equinox, in Historic St. Charles, Missouri at her favorite local independent bookstore, Main Street Books.
Ellen will be signing copies of her two newest releases. The "Witches Tarot" and "Seasons of Witchery".
Come down to historic St. Charles, well known for it's haunted sites, and sit in on Ellen's free lecture and then get your books signed. It is sure to be an enchanting afternoon!


The Official Witches Tarot Launch Party!

Official Launch Party for Witches Tarot at Eye of Horus in Minneapolis!

Launch Party & Book Signing- 
Date: Friday, October 5th 2012
Time of Party: Begins at 7:30pm
Place: Eye of Horus
3012 Lyndale Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN. 55408

A Class & Tarot Readings at Eye of Horus
Date: Saturday, October 6th 2012
Time for Class: Saturday, October 6th 1:00- 2:30pm
Class: Herbs for the Seasons
Class fee: $25.00

Tarot Readings with Ellen Dugan
Date: Saturday, October 6th
Time for Readings-3:00- 7:00pm (By appointment)
Reading price: $30.00 for a 15 minute reading
Place: Eye of Horus
3012 Lyndale Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN. 55408
Call the Eye of Horus and schedule your reading now! 612-872-1292

Eye of Horus Class Description: Herb magick is available to us through every enchanting season. Join award winning author Ellen Dugan for a lecture on the Herbs for the Seasons and learn new ways to incorporate practical herb magick into your Witchery all year long. In this lecture Ellen discusses her new book "Seasons of Witchery", practical plant magick, herbal folklore and of course ways to personalize your Craft all year long. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Eye of Horus class schedule




Dates- Friday, November 9th, Saturday, November 10th and Sunday, November 12th.

Place: The Witchery
2116 Postoffice Street
Galveston Island, Texas 77550

Author Meet and Greet
Date: Friday, November 9th

Time: 4:00 to 7:00pm
Place: The Witchery
Come meet award-winning author Ellen Dugan and have your books signed. Ellen will be at The Witchery on Friday night for a free book signing and chat. Looking forward to seeing you there! Ellen will be at The Witchery on Saturday and Sunday as well. Doing tarot readings with her new Witches Tarot deck, and teaching three classes.

Tarot Readings by Ellen Dugan
Date Saturday, November 10th

Place: The Witchery
2116 Postoffice Street
Galveston Island Texas
Time: Tarot Readings from 11:00am to 5:00pm: By Appointment Only- (Call the store to schedule your time.)
Tarot Reading Price: $30.00 for a15 minute reading.

Ellen Dugan offers Three Magickal Classes at The Witchery

Class Dates: Saturday and Sunday November 10th & 11th, 2012
Time for Classes: See below with each class description
Classes Offered: Magick of the Witches Tarot , Herbs for the Seasons, and Practical Protection Magick
Class fees: $40.00 per class
Class Descriptions:

Saturday Evening Class- (7:00 - 9:00 pm) Magick of the Witches Tarot- Join award winning author Ellen Dugan for this two hour class as she explains the symbolism and magick behind her new deck, Witches Tarot. Learn about the archetypes and magick behind the symbolism, as well as discovering more information about the new card spreads that she created specifically for this deck. The Major and Minor Arcana will be discussed. This class also features tips and trick for working magick with your Witches Tarot deck. Bring your Witches Tarot deck along and we look forward to seeing you there! Class fee- $40.00. Call The Witchery store to reserve your spot in class.

Sunday Afternoon Class- (2:00 to 4:00pm) Herbs for the Seasons: Herb magick is available to us through every enchanting season. Join award winning author Ellen Dugan for a lecture on the Herbs for the Seasons and learn new ways to incorporate practical herb magick into your Witchery all year long. In this lecture Ellen discusses her new book Seasons of Witchery, practical plant magick, herbal folklore and of course ways to personalize your Craft all year long. Looking forward to seeing you there! Class fee- $40.00. Call The Witchery store to reserve your spot in class.

Sunday Evening Class- (6:00 - 8:00pm) Practical Protection Magick:  As a special treat Ellen is teaching her very popular workshop on Practical Protection Magick This class will cover your psychic strengths and weaknesses, explain how to diagnose a magickal problem, and discuss the difference between a hex and a crossed condition. This live class has been popular across the country and Ellen is delighted to offer it for the first time in Texas. This class will explore real-life psychic self-defense, and it gives practical advice on dealing with emotional and uninvited psychic vampires. Several techniques of protective spellwork will be discussed, and you will also discover what the phrase “Magick follows the least path of resistance”, truly means. Class fee -$40.00. Call The Witchery  store to reserve your spot in class.

I will have free promotional items to give away at the author events in Minneapolis and in Galveston. It's going to be a busy, busy fall! I hope to see some of you there!
Blessed be, Ellen

PS. From now until October 31st I will include a free bonus "Samhain Spell" with the purchase of any of my online classes. I offer five different classes- you can check them out and order on my website.
Payment is made thru Paypal. Quick easy and secure.

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