
The Magick of the Garden

7:16 AM

Good Morning,

Garden sign in the lavender
My garden is blooming about a month ahead of schedule, thanks to the very warm and early spring we are experiencing this year. My lilac is finished its bloom cycle and my snowball bush is blooming now and so are my roses. Wow, this is early. About a month early.

Snowball bush April1, 2012
And I have to say, my garden has been a comfort to me in these last few weeks. When the stress and pressure have gotten to me, I head out to the garden.
There is always work to be done. Staking the peonies- I use round tomato cages- works like a charm. Just train the sprouts up inside of those concentric rings.
I ruthlessly pull weeds, lay down more mulch, and since the weather has been so warm I started planting new hanging baskets and containers. Geraniums and petunias can take a little chill. So when the weather swings cooler (and it will) the flowers will be fine.

New container in Ellen's garden
For the past few days I have been sitting outside in the afternoon and evenings with the proof pages for Seasons of Witchery, and have worked my way carefully through them. There are many illustrations in this new book and the artist, Wen Hsu did a phenomenal job. In just two months the book will be out and in your hot little hands. I can hardly wait!

Seasons of Witchery was a fun book to write as I wrote it in real time. The Midsummer chapter was written in- wait for it... June. The Samhain chapter was written during October, and so on.
I wanted this book on the sabbats to be personal and relaxing. Not to just trot out the old Eggs are for Ostara, schtick. This is a book you can read all year long, and it will give you plenty of seasonal spells, garden witchery, witchy arts and crafts, faerie magick, and even some recipes to try out. I am very happy with it.

2012 Faerie Garden in old Birdbath
 Yesterday my coven sister and fellow Llewellyn author, Ember came over, and I had her take a look at a few questions I had marked in the proof pages. While she was visiting my acquisitions editor Elysia called to check in and since Ember was with me, she scared the crap out us both with an April Fools joke. She got us good too.

After that my friend and I blew through my questions in less than an hour, and then of course we headed out to the gardens. Ember and I talked about the next coven get-together, our book projects- she has her second book on crystal magick coming out next year, and of course we discussed our gardens.
Perennial garden April-1-2012

I loaded her up with some 25 pound bags of organic potting soil- courtesy of my husband's job- he gets to bring home samples... and she headed home- with a gleam in her eye and plans for new container gardens. 

Later in the evening my sons Kraig and Kyle came over and we barbequed and relaxed.
All in all it was a great way to start out the month of April. I hope that you spruce up your gardens, plant some containers and spend some time in your gardens this week. They truly are magickal places.
Blessed be, Ellen

PS. Don't forget that my books; Garden Witchery, Garden Witch's Herbal and Herb Magic for Beginners, are filled with magick and practical gardening information, garden plans, container gardening, flower folklore, spells and rituals that you can use. No matter where you live- there is always a way to add some of the garden's enchantment to your life.

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  1. awesome as always, Ellen. i am anxiously awaiting Seasons of Witchery!

    1. Me too! Have you read her book on Mabon? Good stuff.

  2. I wish I had a green thumb. But mines as black as charcoal! Your garden is beautiful.

  3. Lovely garden! Which reminds... I'd better get planting :O)

  4. Hi Ellen, I have been busy in the garden too. It's a bit colder where I live ( The Netherlands), but we had already had some wonderful Spring weather. I have put some calendula seeds in a pot and in the ground. I love that plant !! Newe lavender was planted and I replanted some hellebores. New climbing roses and a passion flower against the fence to have some more privacy too.
    I love being in the garden. I have garden witchery and love the book. The two thers are on my wishlist ; )
    Have a wonderful time and good luck with the finish of your new book.

  5. Just finished planting roses, strawberries, and my herb garden today! I planted feverfew for the first time, and it's already bringing magic into the garden...it has this amazing lemony spring-fresh scent, and it's not even in bloom. Happy gardening!

  6. Ellen, thank you for the photos of your lovely garden elements. I am planning an herb circle garden for this summer and I'm enjoying reading back through all of your books while planning (I think Cottage Witchery is still my favorite).

    I too use tomato cages for my peonies, but find that when in full bloom, the heads of the flowers are so heave that many still bend down and where the stem meets the ring of the cage, it bends to the near breaking point. Have you solved that dilemma?

  7. Aah, I’m jealous! In Denmark where I live, I’ve just spent an hour covering my 22 newly planted roses with fiber cloth – the weather forecast says minus 6 degrees Celsius tonight. And where I live, that means at least minus 8! *sigh*…come spring, come heat, come sunshine! :o)

  8. Wonderful photographs!I love this time of year...truly magickal!
    Warm Wishes,


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