
Witches Tarot is released EARLY & the Minor Arcana

7:09 AM

Good Morning!
First things first... The Witches Tarot deck was released over a month EARLY! This was a big surprise for Mark and I. So if you were jonesing for the deck- go get a copy right now. They should be arriving in the stores this week and are shipping out directly from Llewellyn and from Amazon.com. Yesterday, Mark Evans the talented artist from our deck, loaded up some images from each of the suits from the Minor Arcana onto our website. Here is the direct link- www.witchestarot.com

Queen of Wands- Witches Tarot
Here is our beautiful Queen of Wands, from our Witches Tarot. In this deck I designed the Wands to each be a branch of blooming hawthorn, wrapped in flowing red ribbons. The hawthorn tree corresponds with the element of fire. The hawthorn is a magickal tree which is why I chose it for this suit. On her lap a fluffy orange tabby is holding court, and she holds a bouquet of sunflowers in the crook of her arm. I adore the feel of warmth from this card.

The following quote is taken directly from my companion book that comes with each kit. 
"The Minor Arcana cards show us the everyday, ordinary situations and personalities that we deal with and face in our lives. The minor arcana cards bring meaning to events, clarity to the challenges we face,  and provide illumination to the common questions we ask."- Ellen Dugan, Witches Tarot Companion

Three of Pentacles- Witches Tarot

This next image from our Minor Arcana is one of my personal favorites - the Three of Pentacles.  This card has a kind of sorcerers apprentice vibe to it. 

I love the illuminated trio of stained glass pentacles and the mystical cat with bright emerald eyes, patiently watching over the young apprentice while he carefully works his Craft. Potions bubble, the candles flicker and magick is in the air!

The next card we are previewing is from the suit of Swords.  The Swords suit is classically aligned with the element of air and this card is a fantastic example of the intense images and meanings, the Sword cards convey. 

My script for the Two of Swords called for the herb lavender to be growing alongside of the bench, at twilight with mountains and a calm lake in the background. With faeries flitting around in the lavender. 

Two of Swords- Witches Tarot
The woman is both alert and on guard. I am so delighted with the emotions that Mark's artwork invokes here. This card is one of reflection and expectation. Is the woman protecting herself ... or is she merely waiting calmly?  In this card, the blindfold has only heightened her other senses. This woman is aware of her surroundings in a way most people can only imagine. 

Seven of Cups- Witches Tarot
For our final Minor Arcana card preview I am sharing the Seven of Cups. This card shows a classic wizard, wearing flowing blue robes. The wise one is offering you a choice between seven magickal cups. Each of these cups holds something enchanting, and each has a lesson to teach. The choice is yours, which cup and lessons will you embrace? 

In my 312 page companion book, (Yes, the book and deck are sold TOGETHER. They are a boxed kit.) anyway, the symbolism and meaning of each card is thoroughly explained. Any astrological, elemental, and deity associations are listed. As well as "Keywords" that will help you to learn the definitions of each of the seventy-eight cards quickly and with a minimum of fuss. 

For a little something extra, you may choose to purchase a coordinating satin tarot bag from Llewellyn. They retail for $11.95. Here is the link straight to that page.  Witches Moon- Satin Tarot Bag  This 6 X 9 inch satin bag is large enough to hold the entire Witches tarot deck nicely, and it features the bewitching art from "The Moon" tarot card. 
Witches Moon Satin Tarot Bag
 In the meantime I have a new series of "in-person" Practical Magick classes that start next week, August the 5th. I have several articles to write for the Llewellyn annuals, and I just had my 15th book with Llewellyn Worldwide contracted. I have about 6 months to finish that book up. I am going to be a busy witch for a long time. Enjoy the art preview and the deck. Soon Mark will have art prints available for order so keep visiting the Witches tarot website and keep up on all of the news! 
Blessed be, Ellen 

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  1. Oh they are beautiful! I can't wait to get my set.

  2. Wow, what a great set !!! I love the illustrations.
    Have a wonderful day. Hugs from The Netherlands.

  3. oh my goodness! I just received my deck, they are absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to get some alone time and get to know them better :)

  4. This has been on my birthday list for a while now. My birthday is at the end of September, but I might have to buy these now out of pure excitement & stash em away until the "big day".

    I'm a nut about my birthday & always buy myself at least one gift that I know will give me a thrill. This year- it's The Witches Tarot!

    I do love the artwork, but my main motivation is the companion book you wrote, Ellen. You're one of my favorite writers & I'm excited to see your take on the tarot.

    1. THANKS Ellen! I just ordered my "Witches Tarot"- let's see if I can restrain myself till the end of September to open it! LOL.

      LOVE your work. "Seasons Of Witchery" is fantastic & "Natural Witchery" is my all time fave!

  5. Hey Ellen... any relation to the nine of pentacles? :)

    1. Yes, I posed for the 9 of Pentacles... ;op
      There will be a Llewellyn Journal article on the "Story behind the Cards" published in September on the Llewellyn website.
      Blessed be, Ellen

  6. Yes, the 9 of Pentacles is me! Its the Garden Witch card after all!

  7. Do you know what's going on with your Witches Tarot? Both Amazon and Book Depository had it up for sale for just a few days (thankfully I ordered mine!). Then they appeared to go "off the market"!!! Now Amazon has it listed as "Temporarily out of stock" and Book Depository has a ticker up, reading "Coming in XX days!"
    I got my order in with Amazon a day or two before they disappeared, but have yet to be billed for your Witches Tarot, or recieve shipping information, while my Satin Moon Card bag is already halfway here!
    Some fellow users of Aeclectic Tarot report that they have already recieved theirs or have tracking information, saying it's on its way! Argh! So jelaous and impatient. -Can't wait to see our Hermit Grandpa!
    Please keep us uo to date if you have any new info! <3

  8. Witches Tarot HAS been shipped and Amazon DOES have it in stock- I know because the publishing company reminded them of it yesterday- how long until they update the info in their computer systems up at amazon. I can not say.
    However- many people have their copies already. Folks who ordered directly from Llewellyn- have theirs. Barnes & Noble, Books a Million and other brick and mortar stores shipments are on the way or have their copies.
    Look at it this way- you are still getting the deck well ahead of schedule.

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  9. Merry Meet Ellen,

    I just received my copy of Witches Tarot today, and it is beautiful! However, I do believe that I have a very unique deck - I have two copies of each of the nine, ten, and page of pentacles, and no knight, queen, or king of pentacles! All of the other cards are accounted for :). The deck was still wrapped in plastic when it was delivered from amazon.ca. I'm going to be ordering another deck, and keeping this one as well, but thought you would be interested in knowing what's going on.

    Brightest Blessings,

    1. Hi Autumn,
      That is odd. Please contact the folks up at Llewellyn and let them know. 1-800-THE-MOON. They can look into that for you.
      Thanks for the tip,

    2. Autumn,
      If you contact customer service up at llewellyn they will replace those missing cards for you. Call 1-800-THE-MOON.

  10. I just bought mine yesterday. I'm 52, and have been reading cards since I was 12 (a Hoi Polloi deck my Scorpio grandma got from Book of the Month club, Ha!), and this deck is perfection. It resonates with all I already know, and yet adds so much. Your interpretations are so practical and grounded yet ... magickal! I love the Triple Goddess spread and just got such a powerful answer from Hecate/Moon this morning to a question that had been bugging me for months. Thank you so much!!!

    1. Hi Suzy,
      Thank you so much for your kind words about the deck! You have just made my day. You should write a review for amazon. LOL Enjoy the deck and blessed be,

    2. Good idea! I just did. My first review ever!


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