
Autumn has Arrived- It's the Season of the Witch!

7:04 AM

Good Morning,
Autumn has arrived and right on schedule the nights are much cooler, and a snap is in the air here at home. On the day of the Equinox Six-foot Stanley the Scarecrow made his annual appearance in our front gardens. The cornstalks were fastened to the front porch post and I tucked in a few more orange/ bronze colored mums into the gardens.  Stanley will stay in place warding the front gardens and the house until after Samhain. You can read all about the history and magick of the Scarecrow in my book "Autumn Equinox". There is a Scarecrow Spell in the book that you can use too!

It seems that September is just flying past so quickly this year. The harvest moon is just around the corner. This year the Harvest Moon will occur on Saturday, September 29. It hits the "full moon" phase at 11:19 pm EST.

I am working on book #15 and trying like hell to stay home and to get some serious writing done. It has not been easy, as there have been non-stop distractions. I managed two blissful uninterrupted days last week. I hope I can get 3 or 4 days alone without dramas and interruptions this week. All of the interruptions makes me cranky and my muse is not a happy camper at the moment. I can feel her tapping her foot at me. Once I sit down to write she yanks me all over the place, and I struggle to keep up with her. Apparently my writing has been bottled up too long.

Also, I wanted to announce that to celebrate the autumn season I am offering a FREE bonus Samhain spell with the purchase of any of my online classes. One of my most popular classes is the Full Moon Magick class. This work-at-your-own-pace class includes magickal lessons and 14 lunar rituals so you can easily work full moon magick all year long. At only $22.00 dollars this class is a bargain. You can order any of my online classes by following this link Ellen Dugan's Online Classes  

If you would like more information on all eight of the Sabbats check out my new book Seasons of Witchery.  Its chock full of new ideas and magick for the Autumn, and the sabbat of Samhain, which is fast approaching!

I hope you will take a few moments and enjoy these final days of September and the beginning of the autumn season.

Take a walk and really look at the leaves as they start to turn this year. Plant some spicy mums in the garden and employ some color magick. (you will find tips on magick with mums in both Autumn Equinox and in Seasons of Witchery), Decorate your home for the autumn Sabbats and enjoy the Season of the Witch as it begins!
Blessed be, Ellen
PS. The article I wrote about the Witches tarot is now on the Llewellyn Worldwide website you can read it by following the link. Llewellyn Journal article by Ellen Dugan

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