
Happy Samhain! A Kindle & Nook Sale For Seasons of Witchery!

6:53 AM

Good Morning,

I have some news to share! My new book "Seasons of Witchery" is part of a Special Halloween e-book Sale only $1.99 for a limited time... follow the link just below and go get a copy for your Kindle while it's on sale!
Kindle Sale for Seasons of Witchery

Also it IS on Nook as well for the same sale price here is the Nook link.  Nook Sale for Seasons of Witchery   
Remember that this e-book sale only lasts for a week or so- so don't delay go snag a copy now!

I was contacted this summer by Llewellyn and asked if I would be interested in taking part of this Halloween sale. They had nominated Seasons of Witchery for part of the sale and them Amazon and Barnes & Noble chooses which best selling books they want. To my delight, it was chosen. So go get a copy and enjoy the sale price! 

Here is the banner the folks up at Llewellyn made for me- for Samhain and with a quote from my Seasons of Witchery. I pinned it to my Pinterest and put it up on a couple of my Facebook pages.

Here at home things are busy. We are gearing up for our annual Gothic Halloween Party.  I have a Samhain article and ritual to finish for the 2014 Sabbats Almanac. And it is the perfect time of year to do it- as I'm all in the mood! 

Here is a picture of Six-foot Stanley, our Scarecrow guarding over the front yard at dusk. I just took this the other day.  

Looks like I will have to rake many, many leaves this week as all of the pin oak leaves are falling... a cold front is due to slide in and the temperatures will snap back to autumn which I actually prefer. I have had enough of the heat.

That's it for now- I hope you will enjoy reading Season's- Samhain chapter and remember to relax and enjoy the Samhain/ Halloween  festivities. 

Blessed be and Happy Samhain, Ellen

 Visit me on Pinterest!

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  1. I supposed if I got a Kindle I could hide all my craft books in there - bonus, they could go anywhere with me... You have just given me the perfect thing to ask for for Christmas! I've got most of your books, someday I'll tell you how I keep them 'hidden.'


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