
Wishing you a Blessed Samhain & Happy Halloween!

2:53 PM

Well our 3rd annual Gothic Halloween party has come and gone and tomorrow is the sabbat of Samhain. Today I cranked out the last of the annual articles for Llewellyn and now its just me and book number 15.  Hooray! From the day after Samhain my total writing attention is devoted to the next book. Period.

I have one author event left this year and that will in November be at The Witchery, in Galveston Island Texas. www.witcheryonline.com  I will be teaching three separate classes and doing readings over a three day period. I am really looking forward to going to see Clyde and the fabulous folks in Texas.

Our 3rd annual Gothic Halloween party was our biggest one yet! My daughter and I went out the afternoon of the party and had our hair done for our costumes. So when you see the pictures of my hair to the right- I had that done. I could not pull that off myself. I was Bellatrix LeStrange and my husband Ken did a Gentleman Ghost.

This year we had some very creative costumes. From Bob Ross and a Happy Tree to  Beetlejuice, to Assassin's Creed characters, Gypsies, Zombies, Vampires and of course some very fine Witches.

My adult kids rocked out some Arkham City Characters. Namely Harley Quinn, The Riddler and Bane. Here they are. They even got their friends to come as Catwoman, Twoface, and a Lady cop. Here are my trio below.
Folks gathered around the fire pits in the garden, gobbled up food, had a few drinks and eventually starting posing in the coffin. The black lit garage turned out better than ever and yes we managed to squeeze five Witches into the coffin for a group picture below.

Tomorrow will be a quieter night. For the family and a few close friends and of course the neighborhood trick or treaters.
I wish all of you a blessed Samhain.

Happy Witches' New Year!

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  1. That party looks fabulous!! Love the Arkham City crew. Have a truly blessed Samhain!


  2. Blessed Samhain,Ellen. Thank you for sharing your party!


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