
Online Class sale! February date for Discussion Group

6:43 PM

I have decided to run an online class sale. Four out of my five popular online classes are now 5 dollars off!

Here is a list of the four classes that are on sale.
Herb Magick - $25
Psychic Protection & the Paranormal- $25
The Elements of Witchcraft -$35
Advanced Natural Magick-$35

You can sign up for the classes on my website- just click on the link below!

The Class descriptions are as follows:

"Psychic Protection & The Paranormal Class"
A brand new class for Ellen's Online students that focuses on psychic protection and the paranormal. It discusses psychic strengths and weaknesses, ethics, neutrality and active and passive magickal personalities. The class has practical and honest information on the topic of faerie infestations and hauntings- for people dealing with situations in their own homes. In addition, there is a survival guide for amateur and professional paranormal investigators.This class has a ritual designed to help you balance and unblock your personal power. It also teaches how to work with the dark aspect of the Goddess for psychic protection. It features a meditation with Hecate, protection magick, the difference between evocation and invocation, and two magickal study guides are all included.

The class fee is $25.00 and will be emailed to you in Rich Text Format. The class is sent typically within 1 - 2 days as soon as payment is verified.
The required text for this online course is Practical Protection Magick, by Ellen Dugan. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. The text does not come with this course and may be purchased ay any major bookstore or online through Llewellyn Worldwide at www.llewellyn.com or at Amazon at www.amazon.com The book is also available on Kindle.

"Herb Magick Class"
This class focuses on the practice of Herb Magick, It discusses herbal correspondences, magick, the Hermetic laws of vibration and correspondence, the flower and faerie folklore of herbs, the do's and don'ts of gathering for spell craft and the fact that herb magick is a major magick. Also there is information on the Language of Flowers included. There are reading assignments, a quiz, and several days worth of homework for this class. Also included are herbal correspondence charts, and suggested reading for further study.
The class fee is $25.00 and will be emailed to you in Rich Text Format. The class is sent typically within 1 - 2 days as soon as payment is verified.

The required text for this online course is Herb Magic for Beginners, by Ellen Dugan. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. The text does not come with this course and may be purchased ay any major bookstore or online through Llewellyn Worldwide or Amazon

The Elements of Witchcraft and Advanced Natural Magick 

Award winning author, Ellen Dugan is offering an two-part, at home study course. The first Class-  "The Elements of Witchcraft." and now a second course on "Advanced Natural Magick".
These Courses are only being offered online and are available to purchase through PayPal. The class fee is $35.00 for each class, and will be emailed to you in Rich Text Format. 

The first "at home" course of study, The Elements of Witchcraft, covers the four elements, their magickal correspondences, and several days of elemental homework assignments. Included in the course is: The Welcome letter, a Syllabus, study guide, and the lesson plan and homework assignments. There is a suggested reading list for further study, and a self-test for you to take on the honor system to challenge yourself and to see how much you have learned. Required text for the first course is Elements of Witchcraft: by Ellen Dugan, Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. 

The second "at home" course, "Advanced Natural Magick"  goes further into the study of the elements and the Elementals. (It is strongly recommended for you to have taken the first class before you begin the second.) This advanced class builds off of your homework and journaling from the first class, and looks at how the four elemental energies are at play within your own psyche and how they influence your personal power. Included in the course is: the welcome letter, the syllabus and the Study Guide Part I, and Study Guide Part II. Within the study guides for "Advanced Natural Magick" are rituals,  reading assignments and homework assignments. There is also a suggested reading list for further study. The required texts for the second course is Natural Witchery and Garden Witchery, by Ellen Dugan, Published by Llewellyn Worldwide.
The texts do not come with the courses and may be purchased at any major bookstore, or on line through Llewellyn Worldwide 

Oh and yes, my Full Moon Magick class is still available and only $22.00 The lunar eclipse information has been updated for 2013. I have also updated the other lunar information- this is important as there are no Blue moons in 2013 or 2014. So for the new online students I added a Black Moon spell- There are going to be 2 "Black Moons in 2014! What is a "Black Moon" you may ask?
It is the second new moon within any calendar month. In 2014 there is a "Black Moon in January and in March!


So there you go all the class information that you need, go ahead and sign up for a class or two, they are affordable and you can work them at your own pace and in the privacy of your own home. Kick off 2013 by celebrating your Craft and learning something new. 

Blessed be, Ellen


Also- here is the dates for new discussion group...
Witches Discussion Group
Hosted by Ellen Dugan and Charlynn Walls

Date: February 16, 2013
Time: 2:00- 3:30 pm.
Place: Kathryn Linnemann Library (Meeting Room)
2323 Elm Street
Saint Charles, MO. 63301
Library Phone Number 636-346-6294
Ages 18 and up are welcome.

A new discussion group for the Witches, Wiccans and Pagans of the St. Louis area.
Topic for December: Imbolc- to Ostara Welcoming the Light!
We will be meeting monthly to discuss magickal topics of interest. This will be a friendly exchange of ideas, magick and the discussion group will allow for attendees to have the chance to network and meet other magickal folks from the area. Ages 18 and up are welcome.

Please note: Due to work on the Blanchette Bridge, please consider taking 370 or the Page Extension to come to Saint Charles. We look forward to seeing you there!

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