
Working away on the books- Convocation is coming!

9:49 AM

Its been a while since I posted a blog entry. First we had the holidays. Then a very active and bitterly cold winter season.
I've been cranking out pages for book #16. Starting book #17 Why? because clearly I am certifiable.
Then I got the flu.
Then my husband got the flu.
Then we got over that and I ended up loosing my voice after a few radio interviews. It never got better, I ended up going to urgent care last week, only to discover I had pharynxitis. Which means an infection of the vocal cords.  I am about half way through my anti bitotics and I'm fighting my way back to whatever passes for normal.

I worked on all of my lectures for Convocation and they are ready to go. I am doing four different lectures this year. 1.) When Good Magick Goes Bad: Knock, Knock, Karma is Calling. 2.) Practical Prosperity Magick. 3.) Coven Dramas and Circle Politics: How to Deal. 4.) Psychic Abilities: What are Yours? Also I am assisting another speaker, Kerr Cuhulain, with a ritual.
I had such a great time being a guest of honor at Convocation last year. I am delighted to be invited back again.  I have my outfit all together for the masquerade ball at Convocation and pretty soon I'll be up in Detroit at Convocation 2014!
Cause you know all of the beautiful people go to Detroit... in February. LOL
Seriously, Convocation is so much fun, Yes I'll work my butt off - and enjoy every minute of it!

For information on Convocation here is a link. www.convocation.org/

In a few weeks proof pages should arrive for Practical Prosperity Magick - which is book #15 Release date is June 2014.

I was hoping to have book #16 all done and off my desk. You know what they say about best laid plans. Which is why I gave myself a buffer. Book #16 is not due to my editor until May. Its a chapter and a half away from being finished.
I will continue to call it book #16 until it is finished and in her capable hands. Once its all safe then I will announce the working title. Release date for book #16 will be summer 2015.

In other news the Spanish version of my Witches Tarot will be released by Sirio- a publisher from Spain- April 30th this year. You can pre order it on amazon or if you are fluent in Spanish directly from Sirio   El Tarot de las Brujas 

Also here is the link on amazon.com  Amazon.com El Tarot de las Brujas

Back to work for me, I wish you all health and prosperity and that spring will find its way to us sooner than later. 
Blessed be, Ellen Dugan

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