
Under The Holly Moon is finished and Novella news is soon to be announced.

5:10 PM

I've been writing my ass off all summer long...
However, "Under The Holly Moon"- book 5 in the Legacy Of Magick series is off to Beta readers and on track for a December release!

Book 4 Beneath An Ivy Moon came out in June and has done incredibly well.
Here is the link:  Beneath An Ivy Moon

In the 5th book in the series— release date December 2016— The bad girl of the Bishop family is coming back to William's Ford. Told from Holly Bishop's point of view, this 5th book in the series is emotional, intense, steamy, and full of jaw dropping surprises.
I'm starting on book 6 in the series right now. (No rest for the wicked.)

In other news...
My novella will be published in an anthology in October.
Cover art, title and description should be released in a day or so!

My novella introduces a brand new character named Nilah, and this book has a completely different setting, filled with plenty of mystical and spooky fun.
The novella is about 25,000 words in length and it is a Halloween theme story. Nilah is a sexy, sassy character and I can't wait for you to meet her!

More news, including cover art for the novella soon.

Blessed be, Ellen

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