
Summer of the Hydrangeas!

6:39 AM

Sorry it has been a while since I posted anything. But it has been crazy busy here at home. Seasons of Witchery is just released, and I am doing the proof pages with my editor for the Companion book for the Witches Tarot this morning.

Nikko Blue hydrangea in Ellen's garden
Meanwhile in the gardens my hydrangeas are massive this year and so heavily laden with blooms. It is such a treat. Hydrangeas may be used in spells and charm to break a hex and to protect from negative energy. I recommend gathering the bloom heads in autumn when they are dried for this purpose. 

Color variations on one huge hydrangea
If you would like to add hydrangea blossoms to your indoor flower arrangements you need to treat them first- otherwise they wilt immediately. Also be advised if you go crazy and cut a bunch of blossoms- you are cutting off bloom wood for next year. (Especially on the old classic varieties of hydrangea, the Nikko Blue variety to be specific.) The color variations in the pictures are due to the soil acidity. If the soil is acidic Nikko blue hydrangeas turn a crazy shade of blue. If not... they stay pink. Or you can add Mir-acid in water and water it in around the plant and you will get variations of colors. Pink-purple and blue.

To treat the hydrangeas for cut flowers, start a small pot of water boiling on the stove. Only fill that pot half way. Then go out and gather your hydrangeas for cut flowers. strip the foliage from the lower part of the stem. Then CAREFULLY move the pot of boiling water to the sink.

Use a pair of tongs to keep your hands clear- and to hold the hydrangea stems and dunk the very ends into the boiling water. Be prepared that the water will react and bubble up strongly when you dunk the stems in. Hold the stems in for 10 seconds. I had a hell of a mess all over the top of my stove the first time I tried it. So now I keep the water level down, use tongs to hold the stems and put the pot in the sink. So if the hot water bubbles over the sides of the pot. It stays contained in the sink. Afterward you have treated the ends of the stems, arrange your hydrangeas in a vase.
The Witchery Series by Ellen Dugan

That's all from here. Enjoy the summer because it's here early this year!
Blessed be, Ellen

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  1. Gorgeous hydrangeas! Can't wait to get the Seasons of Witchery book and to see you at the St. Louis Pagan Picnic!

    1. Looking forward to seeing you as well! I have plenty of copies of Seasons of Witchery to sell- and will be releasing the newest charm bracelet called- "Seasons of Witchery" It has 9 charms one for each sabbat and a central charm of a sun and moon. Perfect to wear to work or around hysterical relatives... LOL!

  2. bought a pink one..(for breast cancer proceeds) this weekend plnated this evening..hope it does wonderful....think they are so pretty... Love your books, need to get your latest...

    1. Wonderful! I leave one of my hydrangeas pink. Just for fun!

  3. Your bush is beautiful!!! I've had two planted in my front yard and they are about two years old. They keep wilting and not doing well though. I'm hoping that by watering more this will take care of the problem.


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