
Preview of the Cards from the Witches Tarot!

8:14 AM

Good Morning,

Well I have only waiting about 2 and a half years to do this.... So here are a few cards from my new Witches Tarot deck that will be released in September 2012.  Mark Evans (the artist) and I have been busy.

We have created a Facebook page for the deck, and there we will be sharing six previously unseen card images over the next week. Here is the link to the Facebook page- www.facebook.com/WitchesTarot

Once you hit the Facebook page for Witches Tarot be sure to "Like" it!  Keep checking back over the next few days as a total of six cards will be loaded up only on that Facebook page!

Also Mark has set up a website for our deck. It will be coming together in the next month or so. The website will feature the cards-- and will be a place to order the special art prints, posters, and other wonderful goodies Mark is putting together from the deck.
I have seen one of the art posters as a mock up. Its going to be gorgeous, magickal and Witches are going to want one of these posters- bad!

Here is the link to our deck's website- www.witchestarot.com
Be sure to Bookmark both of these links!

On Thursday, May 10th Mark and I shared this card on the Witches Tarot Facebook page. It is the Major Arcana card, The World. 

The World card- Witches Tarot 2012
While the deck is based on traditional Rider/Waite imagery I designed and scripted lots of witchy flair into these cards! To my mind there is no better representation for unity, completion and the natural world than the Green Man.

Today Friday, May 11th we have shared a Court card from the Witches Tarot, and she is stunning. This is the Page of Pentacles.

Page of Pentacles- Witches Tarot 2012

Notice the white hind in the background and the blooming magnolia tree. The magnolia is associated with the element of earth- and it makes a enchanting addition to this card. A young friend of mine named Ariel posed for this one. I love all the details and I promise all of the meanings of each card- and the magickal symbolism from every card is fully explained in the Companion book that comes with the deck.

You can pre-order the Witches Tarot at Amazon.com if you like. (They have a special price going at the moment) Here is the direct link to amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Witches-Tarot-Ellen-Dugan/dp/0738728004/ref=la_B001ILHHTW_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1336741404&sr=1-1

 Enjoy this special preview and be sure and hop over to the Facebook page to see more cards as they make their debut! Blessed be, Ellen

Witches Tarot Ellen Dugan & Mark Evans

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  1. Beautiful cards !!! Great work. I love them and can't wait to see more of them ; )
    Have a magical weekend.

    1. Thank you Monique! Just pop on the Witches tarot Facebook page over the next few days to see more art!
      Blessed be, Ellen Dugan

  2. awesome, Ellen! I can't wait to get it myself! the cards are really beautiful!

  3. can not wait to get my hands on these!

  4. Gorgeous cards, Ellen! I'll be looking forward to more previews, and I might have to put your beautiful deck on my wish list!

  5. Oooh, they're beautiful! Loved the World, gorgeous Priestess... Can't wait to see the Star, the Moon, the Fool and the Magician!

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  7. Nice Cards It's looking like 3D Tarot Cards.

    Tarot Card Readings


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