
Witch at Work!

11:39 PM

I am back from Denver and INATS and had a great time. I received a copy of my Witches Tarot deck and was able to do several readings with them while at the Trade show. Since I returned home I have been working away for the last few days putting the finishing touches on a new book proposal. It's all together now and I will spend the next few days proofreading and then I will ship it out next week.

I typically time book proposals down to a waxing moon- full moon phase if I can get it. So I am feeling pretty righteous and accomplished at the moment. That is when I don't decide to stop and add something else to those sample chapters....

Here at home its been blazing hot. Yesterday we hit 104 degrees Fahrenheit and today we topped out at 107. Today's heat broke records. It is a very dry heat and that is unusual for the Mid-west we typically get lots of humidity... Right now we have very little. I suppose this is what it is like to live in the desert.

I am trying to save my perennial gardens with careful watering as we are not expecting any rain for the next few weeks. It has been so dry here at home there has been talk of cancelling the 4th of July fireworks display. And tomorrow is supposed to hit 105! We really need some rain. I dislike doing weather magick- as it can have weird repercussions but I may do some spell work for gentle rain if this continues...We will have to wait and see.

Witch's Moon bag & a sneak peek of the Tarot cards
In a week and a half I go to Massachusetts for a mini-tour. I will be at Pyramid Books in Salem, Mass. on Wednesday July 11th. For a book signing meet and greet from 6:00 to 7:00pm. This will be followed by a class on my new book Seasons of Witchery, and the class topic is "Herbs of the Sabbats".  The class fee is $35.00 and as a special treat, Kellie the owner at Pyramid Books, will be giving away the new satin tarot bags based on the artwork of the Witches Tarot to every student. Here is a photo (just above) of the large 6 x 8 inch satin bag and a sampling of the cards from the deck. The satin tarot bags will be available for purchase in September from Llewellyn. For now, the only way to get one of those bags is to come to the class in Salem.

The next author event will be on Thursday, July 12 at The Robin's Nest store in Bellingham, MA. I will be signing books from 5:00- 6:00pm and then I will teach a class on Protection Magick afterwards.

In other news I am running a Summer Jewelry sale on the Garden Witch Charm Bracelets. Click here for a direct link- Jewelry Sale Link!   And I am in also the process of having pendants made that will feature some of the amazing art from my forthcoming Witches Tarot. Those new pendants I hope to have ready to go by September if not before. It all depends on my supplier and how many other orders are ahead of mine.
Garden Witch Charm Bracelet

I do have other ideas up my witchy sleeves as well.  Including two new designs for the Garden Witch Pentacles. In a few weeks there will be two more designs to choose from. In addition to the Red Rose, Morning Glory, Five Elements, and Autumn Leaves patterns, there will be a pentacle design for Samhain and a design for Yule. The Hubs and I have put out heads together and these new handmade pentacles are going to be bewitching! If you'd like to see the pentacles or to order one follow this link. Garden Witch Pentacles!l

Yes indeed I am a Witch at work. Maybe its the heat wave making me so industrious or maybe its just the hot flashes... combined with the heat outside.  Hot Flash/ Power Surge whatever you prefer to call it- they are bound to make anyone a little more intense. So I have decided to roll with it and see where this productive energy wave takes me.
Stay cool everyone and Blessed be,

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  1. That bag is awesome!

  2. Maybe we could swap some weather??Here in the UK we have had the worst June I can remember..so lets do a swap spell- you have some of our rain and we have some of your sun!
    Warm Wishes,
    Callie x

  3. That charming bracelet is absolutely gorgeous! You really have been super busy!

  4. Absolutely love the bag, but a bit too far to travel, so I'll wait!
    Please fell free to swap some rain from Denmark as well!!! June in DK have had an average of 170 hours of sun , 88mm rain and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. About 40% colder and more wet than usual. Hopefully we have warmer days ahead - and you have cooler! Happy roll ;o)


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