
Witches Tarot Major Arcana Revealed!

6:09 AM

Good morning,
I am thrilled to announce that the Witches Tarot website is live! Mark Evans the talented artist of our deck has designed a beautiful website and best of all you can see all of the cards in the Major Arcana! Go to www.witchestarot.com  To read about the companion book, the art and of course upcoming special print offers!   

Just above you can see the postcard Mark designed for me to hand out at my author events. This card shows (from left to right) The Hermit, The Empress, The Moon and the Six of Wands cards. I will be handing these 8x5 inch postcards out at the International New Age Trade Show (INATS) in Denver tomorrow-Sunday, June 24th.


I am honored and excited to attend INATS with the folks from Llewellyn Worldwide to promote my brand new book Seasons of Witchery, and to build some excitement about the upcoming "Witches Tarot" deck! Its going to be a blast!

Companion Book by Ellen Dugan
To answer a few questions I keep getting asked- YES, the Witches Tarot is a boxed set. So for those of you wondering... YES the 312 page companion book and the tarot deck all come together as a boxed set. 
I've been asked this question so many times this week I figured I'd better put the answer in bold. LOL!

Here is the deck's book cover, just to the right. The book is 312 pages long, nice and chunky! Besides writing all of the meaning, symbolism and information about the seventy-eight cards, I have also created seven new card lay outs and eleven brand new tarot spells. The cover of the companion book is actually the High Priestess card, with a border and some shading.

Coming September 2012!
To the left is what the outside of the set's box looks like, with a preview of a few more cards. Pictured is the High Priestess, the Knight of Cups, and the Two of Swords. The cover of the box is actually The Moon card with another cool border.

So, go and follow the link to the Witches Tarot website and look around. Enjoy the preview of the Major Arcana and keep checking back! A few more featured cards from the Minor Arcana cards will be making their debut in the coming months!

In the meantime here is the Page of Pentacles from the deck! Isn't she lovely with the magnolia tree and the white hind in the background?
Blessed be, Ellen
Page of Pentacles- Witches Tarot

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  1. I cannot wait to have these. The books you have written are always solid, easy to read, and enjoyable. As a kitchen witch I must say thank you for making this path more well known to the Pagan world. Congratulations on the new tarot!

  2. Your books are still on my wish list!Will visit the web site-Thank you,
    Callie x

  3. This deck looks lovely - thanks for the update! Hope you have a blast promoting it live and on-line :)

  4. This tarot set is simply gorgous. These will definitely become my first set.


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