
Imbolc Blessings and a Spell

6:19 AM

Good Morning and Happy Imbolc!

We are at the halfway point between winter and spring. The daylight hours are getting longer and here at home the weather has been swinging wildly back and forth from spring like temperatures- to snow, ice and tonight down into the single digits for the low temperature.

Imbolc is a quiet sabbat, but one full of a deeper meaning. It is a time to start over. To look within, to let go of things in your past and to move confidently forward. Maybe you need to let go of some friends, or people you thought were friends. Those old hurts or betrayals, that seem to linger on? Let them go. Consider those old hurts a lesson and move forward as a stronger and much wiser person. Perhaps a you are considering a lifestyle change? Maybe you have decided to start to eat healthier or become more active? Well now is the moment!

This is a perfect time to focus on yourself, what do you want? What would you like to accomplish? Take this sabbat of light and look within. Allow your light to shine and realize that you are able to accomplish whatever you dream of- if you are willing to work for it!

Here is an Imbolc spell of mine that was originally published in the 2006 Witches Datebook. I thought I would share it with you so you could work this over the weekend. It calls on Brigid the triple Celtic goddess of smithcraft, healing and poetry. For this spell, light as many white candles as you safely can and repeat the spell verse with intention three times.
Brigid, goddess of poetry, health and fire,

On your special day, grant my inner desire.

Your sacred flames bring light to me in so many ways,

Please send inspiration and passion to me this day.*
            Once the spell verse is repeated, stay and mediate for a time on the lessons you have learned, and think of new creative ways to achieve all of your goals for the future. 
To close up the spell say these lines;

By the power of Imbolc's inner fire,

Brigid assist me with what I desire.  
Watch over your spell candles. Allow them to burn in a safe place until they go out on their own. 
 *Copyrighted material- This spell may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author, Ellen Dugan
 I wish you a Blessed Imbolc! Go on, embrace your inner light and shine!
Blessed be, Ellen 

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