
Taking some "Down Time" & Gearing up for Summer Tour Dates!

1:31 PM

It has been some time since I posted a new entry in the old Blog of Witchery... the reason for that was pretty simple. I was busy finishing my 15th book Practical Prosperity Magick- and then catching up on other projects, Then just when I thought it was safe--I had to do some edits. But FINALLY the book is off my desk and I am taking some down time.

Yup, that's right. No writing for a while. I am going to take a month or two off and relax. (Something I should have done after the mad-dash-to-the-finish- run we had with the Witches Tarot last year.) I am giving myself a couple of months off. 

I plan to put in some time and work in my gardens, keep up with my work out routine and the session with my trainer- who kicks my ass twice a week....and just be.

In the next few weeks I need to prepare for FPG  (Florida Pagan Gathering.) That's fast approaching. And I am really looking forward to it. Plus my writing buddy Tess Whitehurst will be there and it has been a couple of years since we have had any time together-- besides chatting on the phone.

I am stocking up on sunscreen and starting to get organized after all I leave in just 2 weeks! Here is the link to the event if you want to check it out. flapagan.org/

May will be another month to rest up and relax as June is going to be intense!
Here is my tour schedule for May and June.

 MAY 2013

Florida Pagan Gathering- Beltane 2013
Dates: May 1 - 5, 2013
Place: Camp Ocala, Altoona, Florida

Ellen is a Special Guest at FPG for Beltane this year. Ellen will be giving three different lectures while at FPG-

Building a Circle or Coven: Adventures of a High Priestess
Description: What does it really take to build and run a successful Circle or Coven? Author Ellen Dugan has some down to earth advice to share, as well as some tips and ideas to get your group motivated and organized. Get ready to laugh and to learn in this fun and informative workshop.

Mysteries of Beltane & Love Magick
Description: Join Ellen Dugan, author of "Seasons of Witchery", for a lively look at the sabbat of Beltane its history and lore- and the topic of Love Magick. 'Tis the time of year where romance is in the air. Learn what it takes to perform effective and ethical love magick. Come and find out for yourself what the strongest form of magick truly is.

Witches Tarot

Join award winning author and Tarot reader Ellen Dugan for a workshop on her newest release, The Witches Tarot. Learn how and why Ellen created the deck and the story behind the cards. This workshop also includes helpful hints and tips for performing polished readings for the general public, as well as techniques you can employ in your own readings. If you would like to gain a deeper knowledge of the magick and mystery of the tarot, please join us.

Please visit the FPG website for more details. The days and times of the lectures will be posted as we get closer to the event! www.flapagan.org

 JUNE 2013

St. Louis Pagan Picnic
Date: Saturday June 8 2013
Place: Tower Grove Park St. Louis MO.

Award winning author, Ellen Dugan will be attending the Picnic on Saturday. She will be on author's row selling and signing all fourteen of her book and tarot deck

Ellen will also be lecturing on the "Magick of the Witches Tarot"

Lecture description: Join award winning author and Tarot reader Ellen Dugan for a free workshop on her newest release, The Witches Tarot. Learn how and why Ellen created the deck and the story behind the cards. This workshop also includes helpful hints and tips for performing polished readings for the general public, as well as techniques you can employ in your own readings.

Time for lecture to be announced.
See you at the park!

Date: June 15-16, 2013
Place: South Hampton, NH.

Ellen has been invited to be the Special Guest of The Temple of Witchcraft's Summer Festival. She will be lecturing on The Magick of the Witches Tarot and will be on hand selling and signing copies of all 14 of her books and the Tarot deck. For more information and to register for the event click on the link above. Hope to see you there!

Hope to See you at one of these events!
Blessed be, Ellen

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