
Progress at Gym and Garden Flags with the Witches Tarot art!

7:36 AM

Good Morning,
This is going to be a short blog as I have to go meet with my trainer this morning. Here's the update on my fitness progress. So far I have lost 2 inches off my chest, 2 inches off my shoulders, 2 inches off my arms, 5 inches from my waist, and 7 inches off my hips!

 I am down a dress size, a jeans size, and I am thrilled that this week I had to go return some summer tops I bought in March for smaller sizes- and best of all I was able to shop in the Misses department!

I was so tickled at finally being able to get out of the women's/ plus size department. Yesterday I went shopping for new bras and discovered that I am down a size and a cup size as well. I was grinning like an idiot in the fitting room. Fist pump!
At the moment I am sitting here in work out clothes that I would not dare be seen in last year- they were way too tight across the belly and bust. So if I am wearing them to the gym- its a real victory for me. Boo-yah! Take that menopause weight gain!

In other news the artist from the Witches Tarot, Mark Evans has graciously given me permission to make up some items using the art from our tarot deck "Witches Tarot" and to start I am having garden flags made up!
Here are the four cards I have chosen.

The Mermaid from the 5 of Cups, The Wheel of the Year, The Moon, and Karma!

5 of Cups Witches Tarot
Wheel of the Year- Witches Tarot
The Moon- Witches Tarot
Karma- The Witches Tarot
To begin these flags will only be available at my author events. The upcoming St. Louis Pagan Picnic, and Templefest in New Hampshire.

After those events I will see how the sales went and then discuss it with Mark before we decide if we will offer these garden flags online.

These were the four designs I have chosen and they will be the only designs I am offering this summer.

These are made locally for me by Naked Man Press- aka The Mickie Mueller Collection. Here is the information on the garden flags.

Printed right in their studio and hand pressed onto long wearing, mildew resistant polyester fabric, each garden flag has a channel in the top that allows you to display it outside using your favorite flagpole. The flag measures 12 inches wide x 18 inches long. I will be selling the flags for $20.00 and yes, I can take credit and debit cards at festivals. I have a iPhone and Paypal triangle to use now. 

I ordered my books for the Pagan Picnic yesterday, I will be making another big book order for Templefest next week. Now I need to go dash to the gym.

Hope to see you at one of the festivals this summer!
Blessed be, Ellen

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