
Hearth & Home Magick and new Classes at Mystic Valley!

12:39 PM


I have been working away on book #16 this past week, and things have been a little hectic while my daughter prepares to leave for graduate school, out of state. She is excited, and at the moment we have lots of boxes all packed and stacked in the garage. Moving day is in less than two weeks and its going to be quite the process. Getting a moving truck, clearing out her storage unit, packing up her items from home, then the 280 mile drive to her new apartment. She is pretty excited to begin this next chapter of her life and I am going to have the chance to re-do my guest bedroom- again.
It was my guest room when she moved out a few years ago, then when Erin moved back home to save up for graduate school, it became her bedroom once again. So I packed up all of the pretties that were in that guest room and stored them. 

Now that I have a date where I can turn that room back into a vintage garden room, I can hardly wait to start decorating. First I will clean and cleanse the room, and bless it so anyone who stays there is a happy guest and that the energy is welcoming.

It was this soon-to-be-home decorating project, that got me to thinking about my Hearth & Home Magick Online Class. People have been asking me for a long time to offer it again, I had retired it over a year ago... and so I have decided to offer it once again for a limited time, and so it is now available online again until September 1st, 2013.

This online class uses my book Cottage Witchery, as it's required reading, and boasts a LARGE amount of class material. There are new spells and kitchen witchery for you to work and to learn. Best of all it is worked in the privacy of your own home, it is as always, affordable. Hearth & Home Magick is a work at your own pace class- all of my online classes are. So you can work through the material on your own schedule.You can order any of my online classes on my website by clicking on the following link. Ellen Dugan's Online Classes

In other news I have found a fabulous store in St. Louis to teach in-person classes once more! Seemed to me that with the majority of my students coming from St. Louis or Eastern Illinois, it would be a good idea to look for a classroom space within St. Louis. Here is the information!



Class date- Saturday, August 31, 2013
Time: 2:00- 4:00pm
Place: Mystic Valley

7241 Manchester Road
Maplewood, MO. 63143
Ages 18 and up are welcome
Class price: $40.00
Store Phone: 314-645-3336

Award winning author Ellen Dugan is teaching her very popular workshop on Practical Protection Magick . This class will cover your psychic strengths and weaknesses, explain how to diagnose a magickal problem, and discuss the difference between a hex and a crossed condition. This live class has been popular across the country and Ellen is delighted to offer it for the first time in St. Louis city.
This class will explore real-life psychic self-defense, and it gives practical advice on dealing with emotional and uninvited psychic vampires. Several techniques of protective spell-work will be discussed, and you will also discover what the phrase “Magick follows the least path of resistance”, truly means. Class fee -$40.00. Call the store soon to reserve your spot in class.

Ellen is teaching classes locally in the St. Louis area again! Ellen will be teaching her classes on four consecutive Sundays at Mystic Valley. The first series of four classes will be on various topics of Witchery and Practical Magick. Ages 18 and up are welcome.

Class dates- Sunday- September 22, 28 & October 6 and 13th
Time: 2:00- 4:00pm
Place: Mystic Valley

7241 Manchester Road
Maplewood, MO. 63143
Ages 18 and up are welcome
Classes are $40.00 each --or attend all four classes for $140.00 and save! (Payment for all four classes is due in full at the time of the first class.)
Store Phone: 314-645-3336
Elemental Witchery- Sunday September 22nd

Earth, air, fire and water… not just for the 101 student. Dare to take a deeper more advanced look into the four natural elements that we draw upon in our magick. What element do you favor? Which do you have trouble with? By taking a deeper look at these questions you begin to see what your magickal strengths and weakness are. We are all a mixture of the four natural elements. Learn how to restore and balance your personal power, making your magick more effective and powerful

Psychic Ability and Witchery. Class Date- Sunday, September 29th
In this second class we learn how the various types of psychic abilities, (and YES everyone has them) affect and enhance your Craft. We will learn about three types of psychic abilities and will work together with energy exercises in class. You will discover if you are a visionary, an intuitive or an empath. There will also be a demonstration of building energy and passing it to another, and chance for all of the students to try out their intuitive skills for themselves.

Looking Deeper- Becoming an Adept. Class date, Sunday, October 6th
How does one become an adept? This third class in the series addresses this issue. With an honest look at the topic and some straight-up information that any Witch struggling to go beyond the “Beginner” phase of their training needs to know. In this class the students will get up and put what they have learned into practice. This class focuses on individuality, and how our own personal magickal style makes each of us more powerful and spiritual.

Tending to Your Spirituality. Class Date- Sunday, October 13th
Spirituality, what does it truly mean to us as Witches? In this final class of the series we talk about “Living the magickal life.” How does one live and conduct themselves as a person of power? This class explores finding the sacred in what others perceive as ordinary. The mystery tradition of the Craft, and just why this “Mystery” is so darned mystifying anyway…. This is a deeper look at the fifth element of magick, that of Spirit.

So that's it from here. Be sure to nab your Hearth & Home online class while it is avaialbe and I hope to see some of the locals at my new Witchcraft Classes at Mystic Valley soon!
Happy summer and Blessed be.

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