
Three New Books this year! One Non-fiction and Two Novels!

8:38 AM


Legacy of Magick launched February 22, 2015 and has done fantastically! 

My very first novel Legacy of Magick is available on Kindle, Nook and as a paperback through Amazon.com  At the moment it is up to 68 reviews on Amazon and the feedback has been wonderful!

Here is the back cover blurb:

So it turns out Magick runs in the family... 
Autumn Bishop was just your average grad student...who happens to be a Seer. When she moves in with her long lost aunt and cousins, they look like a relatively normal family from the outside, however they turn out to be so much more. 

When ancient traditions, longstanding magickal feuds, ghostly visitors, and Witches with malicious intentions start coming out of the woodwork, Autumn finds herself smack in the middle of the action as everything she thought she knew is turned upside down. 

Drawn, as if by fate, into her family’s legacy of magick, a new world unfolds for her, as her old one is left irretrievably behind. 
Here is the direct link to Amazon to order. Legacy Of Magick by Ellen Dugan

The second book in the Legacy of Magick series is called Secret of the Rose. It is scheduled to be released in July 2015. Cover art and backcover blurb coming the first week of June! 

This week my newest non-fiction book by Llewellyn Worldwide is being released. Here it is!
Everyone has some type of psychic ability, but the skills that come easily for some may be more challenging for others. However, no matter where you are on the psychic spectrum, The Natural Psychic will help you develop and refine your natural talents. Renowned author Ellen Dugan is your personal guide, helping you to build your psychic repertoire. With humor, easy-to-follow instructions, and no-nonsense advice, this engaging book offers lively lessons on:
  • The Three P's: Premonition, Precognition and Pstcognition.
  • The Five C's: Calircognizance, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairentience and Clairtangence 
  • Psychometry
  • Group Readings
  • Tarot
  • Psi-Sensitives
  • Ghost Hunters
  • Séances
  • Ouija Boards
  • SLIders
  • Psychic Training
  • Psychic Hangovers and First Aid
  • Psychic Attacks
  • Psychic Self-Defense
  • Repairing the Aura
  • Crystals for Psychic Work
Psychic ability is accessible to everyone regardless of spiritual or religious belief. The Natural Psychicis a down-to-earth, straight-up guide that will help you use psychic abilities to enrich your life and expand your world.
Here is the link for The Natural Psychic The Natural Psychic by Ellen Dugan

Also I'm thrilled to announced that The Natural Psychic is #1 on the Hot Release list on Amazon in the ESP category! 

Okay I am back to work on edits for Secret of the Rose! Stay tuned for cover art and back cover blurb!
Blessed be, Ellen 

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