
Long time No blog...

1:52 PM

Things have been a little crazy! My daughter got married about 6 weeks ago and I'm still playing catch up.

So, I had four books come out last year.  One non-fiction book, The Natural Psychic, pictured here--

The Natural Psychic
and also the first three paranormal novels in my Legacy Of Magick Series were released!

To my delight the novels: Legacy Of Magick, Secret Of The Rose, and Message Of The Crow, have been selling even better than I ever dreamed, and the feedback has been both positive and wonderful. Here is a link to the Kindle version of Book One! (Book One is only $1.99 on Amazon.)
Legacy Of Magick: Book One

Legacy Of Magick Series Books 1-3
I've got two more full length novels planned, plus 2 more novellas, that will be featured in Anthologies, in October and December 2016!  It's going to be a busy year!

Book four in the Legacy of Magick Series is scheduled for a late June 2106 release. Beneath An Ivy Moon, is a continuation of the series and is from Ivy Bishop's point of view.

Yes indeed, fan-favorite Ivy steps center stage in her own adventure. The novel is with the editor now and then goes off to formatting. The cover art is finished and is gorgeous! Watch for the synopsis and cover art in early June this year.

Book Five in the Legacy Of Magick Series Under The Holly Moon, will be released in December this year. And you guessed it— it will be from Holly's POV. Book 6 and book 7 in the LOM series are planned out for 2017.

It's back to work for me! Blessed be,

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