Psychic Abilities- Can you lose them?

7:20 AM

Sales team at Llewellyn and Ellen

Happy Full Moon! I am home from my trip to Minneapolis and I had a great visit with the folks up at Llewellyn, here is a picture of me and the ladies in sales- who are a riot! They are so much fun, as you can see from how hard we are laughing in the picture.

For a change I  actually had a day to explore Minneapolis/ St. Paul. Thanks to Michelle and Elysia who drove me around and took me to dinner. I also want to thank Alicia, Barbara, Becky, and her boys for showing me such a wonderful time around town. And thanks Michelle and Barbara for helping me find the Vikings store at the Mall. The Hubs LOVES his Vikings football t-shirts!

Ellen & Elysia at Arboretum
So, I hit the Mall of America, the Arboretum and the Zoo. Here I am on the right- by the hydrangeas at the arboretum with my acquisitions editor, Elysia.
The Zoo I explored with Elysia, my editor Becky and her three boys. We had a great time. The kids were fun and I gave one of the twins a piggy back ride for a while.

On Saturday, I had a wonderful event at the “Eye of Horus” bookstore. What a gorgeous store. Slick professional, mystical and modern all at the same time. I want to go back there next year for sure for another author event.  Now I am home again and finishing up book #13. My goal is to have it done within the next month. After, it’s in the hands of my editor- then I will announce the working title.

I received an interesting letter this week from a young person who was convinced that they had somehow “lost” their psychic abilities. For once it was a polite letter and not all in “Caps” which always feels to me like someone is screaming at you- via email. 

I explained to this young person that psychic abilities tend to come roaring out when we hit puberty. Then they run amuck for a few years… finally when we hit around 16 to 17 years of age they become really intense. Why? Well because psychic abilities are often triggered by intense emotions and hormones. There is nothing more intense and hormonal for a young person finishing up high school and preparing for college.

Same school of thought applies to a person of any age experiencing a major change in their life. Whether its becoming a parent for the first time, getting married, pregnancy, going back to school, a new job, a bad break up, or when you finally have an empty nest, menopause, or even moving to a new home. All of these events are emotional ones. So expect these emotional changes to go along with the psychic changes and the physical change in your routine. Which means…. Your psychic abilities such as intuition, empathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience may take a break and allow you to reacclimatize to your new way of life.

Also if you stress out about your psychic abilities while you work through a life-change your abilities may “take a vacation” for a while. So my advice? RELAX. Let yourself get used to your new life and in time your abilities will present themselves again.

Those abilities are not lost. They are only allowing you to take a break and get accustom to your new phase of your life- whatever it may be. Take a stroll out under that full moon tonight and have a talk with the Goddess. Listen carefully she will comfort you and remind you that life is change.

For more information about psychic abilities and how to incorporate them into your life and Craft, read my book “Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick”.
The book has exercises, and quizzes to help you identify your gifts and to fine tune them to compliment your own brand of magick!
Blessed be and happy Full Moon!

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  1. That's good to know about the psychic abilities. I used to have very strong intuition as a teenager and I'm hoping to develop that again.

  2. Great post. Certainly a good reminder for me to slow down, quit stressing and relax.


  3. wow, i really needed to read that. i've been walking through my "lost years" so to speak, trying to figure out why i had a drought, so to speak, in my abilities. they were never really g.o.n.e. per se, but they definitely took a vacation. come to realize, i was going through a series of heavy life changes throughout that entire time. when it reached a peak and finally the excitement died down a bit...BAMMO. back and better than ever. i am so appreciative of your insight!

  4. *ex-nay one of those "so to speaks"

  5. My psychic abilities tend to come and go- good and bad, since I'm an Empath. I work with police departments, so that comes in handy-but not at the mall during the holiday rush when I'm picking up on everything around me and need to remove myself from the area. I'm also subject to clinical depression, and I've talked at length with my doctor about proper medication to help with that that doesn't take my ability away ( No, she doesn't think I'm nuts,she actually has a great deal of respect for my gift...and she's not humoring me.) It's a delicate balance at best.

  6. So true ellen. Regarding losing your ability of all things Magickal. I too recently,since last december actually, have experienced a loss of my so call "mojo". (lol) Your book 12 came at a most perfect time. Slowly but surely it is coming back!

  7. Hi: I passed on the Versatile Blog award to your blog for lots of reasons. When you have time, check out my blog. Thanks, Marigold.

  8. Thanks to the person who asked that question! I was beginning to think I had "lost it"! But major changes and menopause would be explanations for my fog in the brain. Thanks for sharing this Ellen!

  9. Hello,

    A part of a human conditions is to both look within in your attempts to know ourselves and to look outwards in order to know your futures. Psychic abilities that have been attributed to real-world people. Inclusion in this list does not imply scientific recognition of the existence of an ability. Thanks a lot....

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  10. Well! I have read your post and found this very interesting and valuable post you have shared. Really it is creating good sound. And it is certainly something for me to think about.
    Psychic Readings

  11. Yes, I know it must feel scary to lose psychic abilities, so one must be careful to lead a spiritual life, to always do the best, and not think about money so much.


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